
Hill Giant
Creature -- Giant

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Tenth Edition common Kev Walker Fortunately, hill giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Ninth Edition common Dany Orizio Fortunately, hill giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Eighth Edition common Dany Orizio Bent on a quest for blood, a giant can storm through a fort's wall as if it were nothing more than a picket fence.
Seventh Edition common Orizio Daniele Hill giants are mostly just big. Of course, that does count for a lot.
Portal common Randy Gallegos Hill giants are mostly just big. Of course, that does count for a lot!
Fifth Edition common Charles Gillespie Fortunately, hill giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Fourth Edition common Dan Frazier Fortunately, Hill Giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Revised Edition common Dan Frazier Fortunately, Hill Giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Unlimited Edition common Dan Frazier Fortunately, Hill Giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Limited Edition Beta common Dan Frazier Fortunately, Hill Giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.
Limited Edition Alpha common Dan Frazier Fortunately, Hill Giants have large blind spots in which a human can easily hide. Unfortunately, these blind spots are beneath the bottoms of their feet.

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